Cita APA

Vidal Elgueta, A., Felipe Hinojosa, L., Fernanda Perez, M., Peralta, G., & Uribe Rodriguez, M. (2019). Genetic and phenotypic diversity in 2000 years old maize (Zea mays L.) samples from the Tarapaca region, Atacama Desert, Chile.

Citación Chicago Style

Vidal Elgueta, Ale, Luis Felipe Hinojosa, Maria Fernanda Perez, Gioconda Peralta, and Mauricio Uribe Rodriguez. Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity in 2000 Years Old Maize (Zea Mays L.) Samples From the Tarapaca Region, Atacama Desert, Chile. 2019.

Cita MLA

Vidal Elgueta, Ale, et al. Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity in 2000 Years Old Maize (Zea Mays L.) Samples From the Tarapaca Region, Atacama Desert, Chile. 2019.

Precaución: Estas citas no son 100% exactas.