Evaluación de la calidad del aire en 8 zonas de la ciudad de Bogotá utilizando los líquenes como bioindicadores

Bogota, a city with more than seven million inhabitants (District Department of Planning of Bogota, 2015), and epicenter of industrial and commercial activities, has been presented in recent years an increase in air pollutants. One method to assess the air quality is; the use of bio-indicator organi...

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Autor Principal: Figueroa, Egna Vanessa
Otros Autores: Méndez Montoya, Adriana Paola
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria. 2017
Acceso en línea: http://hdl.handle.net/10185/18272
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Sumario: Bogota, a city with more than seven million inhabitants (District Department of Planning of Bogota, 2015), and epicenter of industrial and commercial activities, has been presented in recent years an increase in air pollutants. One method to assess the air quality is; the use of bio-indicator organisms such as lichens, which are sensitive to air pollution, and are economical to sample (Baltanás, 2000). Therefore, this study aimed to assess air quality using lichens as bio-indicators in eight areas of Bogota. For this, within 500m in each area, the presence of lichens on trees was monitored by determining the wealth and lichen coverage; Shannon index and two levels of air purity were calculated, and the correlation between these parameters and the concentrations of SOx, NOx, CO and particulate matter (PM10) recorded by the Network for Monitoring Air Quality Bogota was evaluated. According to statistical analysis based Spearman correlation was not significant between the index of atmospheric purity and contaminants, however, the area of Simon Bolivar with lower concentrations of pollutants, was what had greater wealth and lichen coverage, registering the presence of genres categorized as sensitive to air pollution, followed by the area of the Sacred Heart, with high levels of pollution, and the rest of the areas were classified as areas of high pollution. It is concluded that air quality varies between different areas of the city and the characteristics of the areas (presence of trees, pollution sources, wind direction) are determining air quality. In addition, lichens resulting good bio-indicators, as evidenced by the decline in species richness and abundance of greater sensitivity in highly contaminated areas, and the presence of sensitive species in less polluted areas.