The silk. A subtle thread that, for centuries, has brought together the peoples of East and West

The Silk Road is an extraordinary network of trade, cultural and religious routes of about 15000 km of length. Formore 2000 years it has represented the only link between East and West peoples. From the ancient city of Xi’an, thesilk production centre, the Silk Road is arrived to the Mediterranean S...

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Autor Principal: Niglio, Olimpia; Universidad de los Estudios e-Campus (Italia)- Forum unesco, icomos Italia
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano 2014
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Sumario: The Silk Road is an extraordinary network of trade, cultural and religious routes of about 15000 km of length. Formore 2000 years it has represented the only link between East and West peoples. From the ancient city of Xi’an, thesilk production centre, the Silk Road is arrived to the Mediterranean Sea through Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Syria, Turkey, Greece and Egypt. The mainobjective of this contribution is the analysis of the cultural value of this trade route which has favoured the exchangeof many products providing relevant social, economic and cultural contacts. The Silk Road, for centuries, has joinedEast and West peoples. A very topical theme today.    T