Towards environmental and technological advancement of earth construction as a means to future heritage. Moving from soil-cement bricks to geopolymerized earth bricks

This paper presents the partial results of a research that intends to blend science of materials, earth construction and theenvironment. The research looks into the soil-cement brick technique, also known as BSC (for its Spanish acronym), for thepossibility of improving its structural performance an...

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Autor Principal: Yepes Gaviria, Olga Nallive; Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
Otros Autores: Bedoya Montoya, Carlos Mauricio; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Gómez Eusse, Juan David; niversidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano 2014
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Sumario: This paper presents the partial results of a research that intends to blend science of materials, earth construction and theenvironment. The research looks into the soil-cement brick technique, also known as BSC (for its Spanish acronym), for thepossibility of improving its structural performance and durability, by using geopolymerized earth brick mixes, replacing bothpartially and totally the use of Portland cement, in order to diminish CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.In order to prepare thedifferent mixes, a characterization of ready-for-disposal soil was carried out using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); sodium hydroxideand type-F fly ash were then used. Three types of mix compounds were designed and tested for breakage and compressionstrength in local dedicated construction-material laboratories. Two of these compounds passed, and even surpassed, thetests for Colombian-normative for 28-day-old soil-cement bricks (earth bricks stabilized with Portland cement).The abovegeopolymerized earth bricks will be used in the construction of sustainable welfare housing in Medellín, Colombia.  Sustainable construction; geopolymer; fly ash; soil-cement, heritage.