Parasitosis intestinal en niños de 4 a 9 años, hábitos higiénicos y condiciones de las viviendas en el barrio La Unión de Turbaco Bolívar, Colombia año 2018

Introduction: intestinal parasitosis is a worldwide public health problem, affecting mainly developing countries that are found in tropical and subtropical areas; being among children more vulnerable to suffering such infection, including stand amoebiasis and giardiasis caused by intestinal protozoa...

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Autor Principal: Baldovino Caro, Candelaria
Otros Autores: Rojas Herrera, José Alberto
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Ciencias de la Salud 2018
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Sumario: Introduction: intestinal parasitosis is a worldwide public health problem, affecting mainly developing countries that are found in tropical and subtropical areas; being among children more vulnerable to suffering such infection, including stand amoebiasis and giardiasis caused by intestinal protozoa, as well as infections caused by helminths, which in many cases can cause changes not only physics, but also behavioral, social and psychological health of individuals affected. The study will be conducted in the district union of the municipality of Turbaco Bolívar, which has characteristics that are conducive to the presence of intestinal parasitosis in children. Objective: determine the frequency of intestinal parasitosis in children 4 to 9 years, hygienic habits and housing conditions in the neighborhood La Union Bolivar Turbaco, Colombia. Materials and Methods: A crosssectional, descriptive study the binding of Turbaco Bolívar was held in children 4 to 9 years in the neighborhood, through a survey of parents of children hygienic habits were determined and conditions Union homes in the neighborhood; for parasitological study was collected for each person a stool sample obtained by spontaneous evacuation in an assigned date. Stool analysis was performed by direct examination of stool, concentration method Telleman and modified Ziehl-Neelsen method. Results: in the total population studied the frequency intestinal parasitism of 75.7% was found, with a high prevalence of Blastocystis hominis protozoa being the most observed (35%), pathogenic protozoa were more presence Giardia intestinalis (18%) and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (13%). As helminths Hymenolepis nana (5%), Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura (2%) of cases, respectively was found; when performing Ziehl-Neelsen for coccidios determining Cyclospora cayetanensis were observed in 2% and Cryptosporidium spp en1% of cases. Among the hygienic habits and housing conditions most important highlight the lack of sewerage, outdoor defecation, presence of vectors, consumption of untreated water from wells, living with pets without deworming, dirt floors in many homes and high overcrowding of families; conditions favoring the presence of intestinal parasites...