Sistema lúdico de gran escala para fortalecer el desarrollo motriz, en niños en etapa de 5-7 años en el Valle de Aburrá

Colombia, in its intention to advance in the integral development of girls and boys in early childhood, has developed a regulation, Law 1804 of August 2, 2016, which recognizes them as subjects of rights and explains the responsibilities to guarantee their integral attention. The National Develop...

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Autor Principal: Cuervo Vega, Juan Esteban
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 2020
Acceso en línea: Cuervo, J. (2019). Sistema lúdico de gran escala para fortalecer el desarrollo motriz, en niños en etapa de 5-7 APA 6th ed. (2010) años en el Valle de Aburrá (Trabajo de grado Diseño Industrial). Universidad de San Buenaventura Colombia, Medellín.Facultad de Artes Integradas, Bello.
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Sumario: Colombia, in its intention to advance in the integral development of girls and boys in early childhood, has developed a regulation, Law 1804 of August 2, 2016, which recognizes them as subjects of rights and explains the responsibilities to guarantee their integral attention. The National Development plan includes actions to guarantee equity conditions for them before birth. Despite the fact that the regulations exist since 2016, something must be considered and is related to the access to material elements that contribute comprehensive care, since the current offer shows that it has not evolved in their communication and design . This reflection presents a scenario of excellent opportunities to create recreational and didactic material that strengthens representative abilities, creativity, imagination, communication, thus expanding the ability to understand the world; In the game, girls and boys develop multiple capacities, build rules for playing together, work in teams, plan strategies, and in this sense affective and social development is encouraged. From this, a playful system is proposed, consisting of 6 bases and other elements such as connections and accessories that allow the child to create various challenges where, as they develop, they stimulate their gross motor skills