Facebook del Diario El Comercio como espacio de ejercicio de ciudadanía.

The social network Facebook was born in 2004 from the hand of its creator Mark Zukerberg as a space where users have the ability to exchange information and multimedia content. Since then Facebook had established in a field which social interaction and communication is enhanced. Because of...

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Autor Principal: Salazar Carrera, Rubén Patricio
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/12189
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Sumario: The social network Facebook was born in 2004 from the hand of its creator Mark Zukerberg as a space where users have the ability to exchange information and multimedia content. Since then Facebook had established in a field which social interaction and communication is enhanced. Because of the immediacy where multimedia content can be shared and also the possibility to express criteria of personal issues in this network can be done, it is possible to conceive of a space which you can perform the exercise of citizenship. This essay can show the exercise of citizenship through the quantitative analysis of the speech in the account of the newspaper “El Comercio" kept in the social network Facebook can become an exercise of public space where citizenship exercise can be done. To test this hypothesis a theoretical approach with concepts like citizenship, citizen and social interaction and communication networks is performed.