El nuevo modelo de gestión educativa y su incidencia en el desarrollo de la educación intercultural bilingüe en la provincia de Cotopaxi. Estudio de caso en la escuela monseñor Leónidas Proaño de la comuna guangaje

The development of this research based analysis on curricular changes that introduced the Ministry of education, in accordance to the law of intercultural education which is the new model of education management posed in a general way. Within this system is the intercultural bilingual system which h...

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Autor Principal: Lutuala Toaquiza, Manuel Segundo
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/10073
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Sumario: The development of this research based analysis on curricular changes that introduced the Ministry of education, in accordance to the law of intercultural education which is the new model of education management posed in a general way. Within this system is the intercultural bilingual system which has a historical and demanding career that hit fairly in the communities; despite the above law with indigenous people from Pujilí canton Guangaje parish was absorbed way negative and harmful to the community. The problems arising in the bilingual educational institutions point out realities in the Organization and administration of the resources for this sector, by non-compliance with bilingual education policies, lack of leadership, who are immersed in the bilingual institutions; Therefore, they require an intercultural training to implement strategies to strengthen their management, with imaginative style, directly associated with the resolution of problems, care of interests and development of individual, collective and institutional potential. Bilingual education is fundamental for strengthening of the culture, language and quality education, needs professionals with proactive attitude of authorities that get involved with the educational task in the same context, because it is not as simple to enact general rules without knowing the context in which the educational action, takes place who are willing to change, possessing strategic thinking and leadership to reinvigorate cultural and academic values in students of the school "Monseñor Leonidas Proaño" commune Guangaje.