Estudio de la factibilidad técnico-económica de la automatización (aplicación de la domótica) en una casa habitacional en la ciudad de Quito.

The purpose of this thesis is to present the reader with an introduction to all aspects involved in home automation room in Quito, in addition to presenting the current situation in our country regarding the implementation of Automation. This thesis is a feasibility study to bring the concept of Ho...

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Autor Principal: Verdezoto Chérrez, Luis Oswaldo.
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2014
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Sumario: The purpose of this thesis is to present the reader with an introduction to all aspects involved in home automation room in Quito, in addition to presenting the current situation in our country regarding the implementation of Automation. This thesis is a feasibility study to bring the concept of Home Automation to Quito homes, in this socio economic, technical and operational aspects even in such a way that serves as a reference guide for all those professionals who intend to be involved in covering project of this kind in our city, or for those wishing to improve their quality of life, through the incorporation of new technologies in the home.