El acto compulsivo de comer como un síntoma adictivo en el paciente obeso que acude a realizarse la cirugía bariátrica al hospital Carlos Andrade Marín, durante el período marzo-noviembre 2012

This research is an approach to obesity and addiction from a different proposal that allows a deeper understanding of why people are anchored to an object or substance. Through psychoanalytic guidelines proposed first by Freud, Klein and later by Pichon, go comprising intraspsíquica dynamics of addi...

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Autor Principal: Reinoso Navarrete, María Fernanda
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2014
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7188
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Sumario: This research is an approach to obesity and addiction from a different proposal that allows a deeper understanding of why people are anchored to an object or substance. Through psychoanalytic guidelines proposed first by Freud, Klein and later by Pichon, go comprising intraspsíquica dynamics of addiction, whose stage is reflected in the food addiction, where the protagonists were obese group patients bariatric Workshop , Carlos Andrade Marín hospital, in the period March-November 2012