Elaborar un manual de procedimientos para la identificación, evaluación y control de riesgos ergonómicos por movimientos repetitivos de miembros superiores en el uso de PVD, teclado, en la empresa sacos gallardo Cía. Ltda., en el período noviembre 2017 - junio 2018

Safety, health and hygiene at work in the management of human talent, seeks to protect the welfare of employees with respect to ergonomics and comfort in the workplace, the efforts made in conjunction with the management of the company, managed to compromise all involved to constantly improve and se...

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Autor Principal: Marcillo Benavides, Carlos Magno
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2018
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/16257
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Sumario: Safety, health and hygiene at work in the management of human talent, seeks to protect the welfare of employees with respect to ergonomics and comfort in the workplace, the efforts made in conjunction with the management of the company, managed to compromise all involved to constantly improve and seek recommended solutions according to the problem of repetitive movements in upper members, which afflict employees, which was worked with the entire population of the organization, recommendations provided under the indications of instruments that represent with reliable data the perceived problems in the use of tools, the physical space and the workplace, from which the safety of the work life of the collaborators is the central point of the present work, the contents of the manual with respect to prevention and recommendations are an approximation according to the identification, evaluation and control of perceptions of collaborators of the affectations of the repetitive movement in superior members, the technical and economic resources were coordinated among those responsible for the project. This work is a guide to generate continuous improvements in comfort, which is a fundamental part of the management of human talent of companies that seek to take care of employees, since these are the central axis of the business activities of the company that provides them employment stability.