Implementación de un sistema HMI para el parque de generación del campo MDC de ENAP SIPETROL en la Provincia de Francisco de Orellana.

The project aims to acquire data generation system for supervising and monitoring, by implementing a system HMI (Human Interface - Machine) of the eight generators that ENAP has SIPEC SA located in the field Mauro Davalos Cordero (MDC) - in eastern Ecuador.

Autor Principal: Rosales Macancela, Francisco Xavier
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2013
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Sumario: The project aims to acquire data generation system for supervising and monitoring, by implementing a system HMI (Human Interface - Machine) of the eight generators that ENAP has SIPEC SA located in the field Mauro Davalos Cordero (MDC) - in eastern Ecuador.