Programa de apoyo dirigido a la familia y cuidadores primarios para el desarrollo de la autonomía de niños/as y adolescentes ciegos y retos múltiples del centro de apoyo para personas con discapacidad visual "Cuatro de Enero" de la ciudad de Guayaquil.

The thesis covers the need clamoring parents of blind children with multiple challenges, how to find the dawn to lead them and guide them to train and educate the best way for their children so that they have autonomy and independence, will order of lead parents to envision the future of their child...

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Autor Principal: Manzur Vite, Martha
Formato: masterThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: The thesis covers the need clamoring parents of blind children with multiple challenges, how to find the dawn to lead them and guide them to train and educate the best way for their children so that they have autonomy and independence, will order of lead parents to envision the future of their children by relating it to the actual situation and the condition would come to get their children when their parents or primary caregivers cease to exist, which is why this program was created.