Análisis de la situación del uso de medicamentos (antibióticos y antiparásitarios) en las unidades productivas de los centros de acopio y enfriamiento de leche Sto. Domingo Nº1 y Puliza

In the last years the region North of Pichincha, comes being devoted in extensive form to the production of milk, in a context of economic productive development of the rural regions with the grouping of 1500 cattle producers organized in 17 storing centers and a production of 53.000 daily liters of...

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Autor Principal: Cholca Guatemal, Sonia Emerita
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2013
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Sumario: In the last years the region North of Pichincha, comes being devoted in extensive form to the production of milk, in a context of economic productive development of the rural regions with the grouping of 1500 cattle producers organized in 17 storing centers and a production of 53.000 daily liters of milk, the milky sector has had a high incidence in the economy of the Country, privileging the work and the rural woman's employment and transforming at the moment into the main activity of the areas. The study area that was taken into account for the investigation is the storing centers and cooling of milk located in Santo Domingo Nº 1 and Puliza sectors, it is located in the north part of the county of Pichincha, it limits with the County of Imbabura.