Society, identity and variation in the La Petaca mausoleums, Chachapoyas

The Chachapoya of the northeastern Peruvian highlands utilized various methods for disposing of their dead, but almost all involve highly visible spaces. While some regional variation is found among Chachapoya mortuary spaces, there is evidence for social cohesion within each site. While few mortuar...

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Autor Principal: Toyne, J. Marla
Otros Autores: Anzellini, Armando
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 2018
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Sumario: The Chachapoya of the northeastern Peruvian highlands utilized various methods for disposing of their dead, but almost all involve highly visible spaces. While some regional variation is found among Chachapoya mortuary spaces, there is evidence for social cohesion within each site. While few mortuary complexes of the Chachapoya have been excavated, La Petaca mortuary complex in the Leymebamba district, provides the opportunity to scientifically study intrasite variation. On only half of the mortuary complex’s massive vertical wall we documented 125 constructions including tombs, platforms and walkways, as well as several caves, niches and rock shelters, all of which contained mortuary remains. By using techniques of vertical archaeology, we collected artifacts and skeletal and organic samples for analysis and radiocarbon dating. Unfortunately, many of the contexts had been damaged by looting and natural taphonomic processes. Here was some variability in construction methods, materials, architectural design, and location across the site, yet generally common features suggest several interpretations: 1) mortuary style was adapted to the precarious location, 2) there was little change over time, 3) few builders were involved, or 4) these practices reflect a single cultural tradition. Overall, these new, detailed data yield valuable information on the importance of mortuary spaces and the regional complexity of the Chachapoya.