The Chronology of Chavín de Huántar and its Implications for the Formative Period

Chavín de Huántar is one of the key sites of the Formative Period in the Central Andes, with many decades of investigations by dozens of investigators, but ironically its chronology is still poorly defined and contested. This article reviews the historical evidence for Chavín chronology, emphasizing...

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Autor Principal: Rick, John W.
Otros Autores: Mesia, Christian, Contreras, Daniel, Kembel, Silvia R., Rick, Rosa M., Sayre, Matthew, Wolf, John
Formato: Artículo
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 2012
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Sumario: Chavín de Huántar is one of the key sites of the Formative Period in the Central Andes, with many decades of investigations by dozens of investigators, but ironically its chronology is still poorly defined and contested. This article reviews the historical evidence for Chavín chronology, emphasizing an examination of calibrated radiocarbon dates, and summarily reviewing related radiocarbon evidence from approximately contemporary sites. The more voluminous C14 evidence from recent work at Chavín is then examined, particularly focused on dates from known ceramic and architectural contexts. A large number of determinations concur, both in and outside of Chavín, in dating stamped polished blackware "janabarroide" ceramics in the range of 800-500 BC in calibrated age. Earlier and later occupations at Chavín are documented, helping confirm this time range for "Early Horizon" materials. Chavín, unlike some other important Formative sites, loses its temple function by around 500 BC calibrated, although major construction seems to have greatly decreased well before that time.