Contribuir a la tonificación muscular en personas con miembro muñón en extremidades superiores en gimnasios cerrados o box de crossfit en la ciudad de Medellín

The project has as starting point the evidence of the few opportunities for a person with superior limb amputation in a closed gym or a crossfit box to exercise in the best possible way. The entry of people in this condition to these sites (places) has been and is almost zero, due to the social bac...

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Autor Principal: Hernández Rivera, Christian Eduardo
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 2018
Acceso en línea: Hernández, C. (2018). Contribuir a la tonificación muscular en personas con miembro muñón en extremidades superiores en Gimnasios cerrados o Box de crossfit en la ciudad de Medellín. (Trabajo de grado Diseño Industrial). Universidad de San Buenaventura Colombia, Facultad de Artes Integradas, Medell
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Sumario: The project has as starting point the evidence of the few opportunities for a person with superior limb amputation in a closed gym or a crossfit box to exercise in the best possible way. The entry of people in this condition to these sites (places) has been and is almost zero, due to the social background that falls on people in this condition, where as a society the word disability is confused with disability. This is where the inclusion of people with amputation in the upper extremity in these facilities becomes important to contribute to psychological and physical rehabilitation through muscle toning and a device that helps to perform it in the best way.