Tratamiento de disminución del dolor para personas con síndrome del miembro fantasma en extremidades inferiores tras amputación transfemoral tercio distal

This project proposes a solution for the ailment of Phantom Limb Pain Syndrome through an autonomous treatment product, easy portability and accessibility for any social group. For this, a group of individuals with different levels and causes of amputation, of both sexes, with a stable stump and pre...

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Autor Principal: Valencia Vélez, Edgar Alexander
Otros Autores: Sánchez Morales, Andrés
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 2018
Acceso en línea: Valencia, E., & Sánchez, A, M. C., (2018). Tratamiento de disminución del dolor para personas con síndrome del miembro fantasma en extremidades inferiores tras amputación transfemoral tercio distal (Trabajo de grado Diseño Industrial). Universidad de San Buenaventura Colombia, Facultad de Artes Integradas, Bello
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Sumario: This project proposes a solution for the ailment of Phantom Limb Pain Syndrome through an autonomous treatment product, easy portability and accessibility for any social group. For this, a group of individuals with different levels and causes of amputation, of both sexes, with a stable stump and presenting the Phantom Limb Pain Syndrome in the lower limb were evaluated. The pain index was assessed in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Methods of data collection were used through audiovisual recordings, open interviews with users and observation of the various activities at the time of therapy. The frequency with which this condition occurs varies significantly in those affected, making them prone to suffer episodes in any space or time, which affects their quality of life and interpersonal relationships. It was concluded that pain rehabilitation should be multidisciplinary in nature, where design is a fundamental part in helping the overall wellbeing of people, since the portable product facilitates the reduction of pain by allowing those affected to perform their therapies in an autonomous and particular in any environment where Phantom Limb Pain arises