Proceso de sistematización de talleres para la prevención de la violencia de género en estudiantes del noveno y décimo año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa Johann Amos Comenios en el período de febrero-abril del 2018.

The present project contains the systematization of workshops for the prevention of gender violence in students of the ninth and tenth years of basic education of the Johann Amos Comenios School, located in the parish of Cumbayá. This systematization focuses on the intervention process, correspondin...

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Autor Principal: López Tutillo, Santiago Xavier
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2018
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Sumario: The present project contains the systematization of workshops for the prevention of gender violence in students of the ninth and tenth years of basic education of the Johann Amos Comenios School, located in the parish of Cumbayá. This systematization focuses on the intervention process, corresponding to the period of February-April 2018, regarding to the beliefs that go around masculinity and hegemonic femininity, in relation to gender violence. The research is developed in the educational community, to glimpse social imaginaries about gender during adolescence. Additionally, it allows to demonstrate the own resources generated by this specific age group, to prevent this kind of violence, in the interpersonal relationships that take place inside and outside the educational institution.