Entrenamiento en el uso de técnicas cognitivo conductuales de gestión de la ira en madres que acuden por problemas de maltrato infantil al Centro de Equidad y Justicia Los Chillos, en el periodo de abril-septiembre del 2015.

It has made the systematization of project experience: Training in the use of cognitive behavioral techniques for anger management among mothers who come due to problems of child abuse, to the Centro de Equidad y Justicia Los Chillos, in the period April - September 2015, focusing on the exper...

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Autor Principal: Castillo Rueda, Virginia Nataly
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/12487
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Sumario: It has made the systematization of project experience: Training in the use of cognitive behavioral techniques for anger management among mothers who come due to problems of child abuse, to the Centro de Equidad y Justicia Los Chillos, in the period April - September 2015, focusing on the experience of learning to do cognitive restructuring of distortions that are associated with the production and maintenance of behaviors related to anger; taking as a systematization, the actions developed within the corresponding sessions to the realization of the project cognitive restructuring of clinical intervention, which also contains the application of other cognitive behavioral therapy techniques such as autogenic training developed by Schultz, training at contingent reinforcement, training in problem solving techniques and decision making, among others. Information obtained from the actions for cognitive restructuring was used sequencing and processing it, so that their elements could be compared to understand the internal logic of the process and answer as well, several key questions formulated here. Additionally, it has made a quantitative analysis relating the pre vs post intervention of the project participants, in terms of scores on the variables of the “Automatic Thoughts Inventory” (Ruiz and Lujan, 1991) and the anger levels assessed by the test “STAXI-2 (State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory–2)” (Spielberger, Miguel Casado, & Cano, 2001). Clinically and statistically significant changes were evident in the intervened variables.