Territorio y territorialidad en los asentamientos humanos informales en el sector de San Juan de Calderón :Caso barrio "Buena Vista"

This work tries to understand the logics and the effects that face many Latin American countries in major or less scale on the processes of intensive growth of the urban development and with it a sharpening of the housing crisis, where wide popular sectors survive to the margin of the formal sector....

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Autor Principal: Ortega Ramírez, Pablo Hernan
Otros Autores: Salme Viera, Pablo Miguel
Formato: masterThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/9379
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Sumario: This work tries to understand the logics and the effects that face many Latin American countries in major or less scale on the processes of intensive growth of the urban development and with it a sharpening of the housing crisis, where wide popular sectors survive to the margin of the formal sector. The inadecuate politics of the governments, as well as socio-economic factors of the countries have affected to unleash multiple processes of human settlement, neighborhoods, districts, favelas, how it is about to call them, to the margin of the law and of the local regulations. We do not pretend into the political and structural aspects of the State, nor enter on the development plans of the local goverments, we want is to understand how the informal settlements have been constructing not only the physical space, their territory in wich they are, their identity, the generation of a culture of belonging, based of tangible and intangible knowledge that they possess, they share and to adopt, for wich it is necesary into an analysis of how are seen themselves, like neighborhood, informal settlements, how they have organized themselves and grouped, in order to achieve the attention of the authorities to be inserted in a process of regularity and development that the sumak kawsay allows them to reach or well to live. We find to understand that across the participation of the proper inhabitants with comom interests, they are able to organizing themselves, of establishing social networks, in the search of finding mechanisms and solutions for many of it´s problems, how the power struggles appear, also to understand the concepts of territory and territoriality, as they have assimilated it at the same time to pick up and to analyze what the literature or the “state of the art” have development on informal settlements, wich and that raise relation level with the existing models of territorial arranging, the point of view of planning participatory urban and citizen, and the different plans that have been implemented in the last years in the Metropolitan District of Quito. In this general frame, the investigation materializes in the analysis of a case in particular that is the neighborhood named Comité Pro-Mejoras del barrio “Buena Vista” of the sector San Juan, the parish Calderón.