Epistemología del Derecho: Revisitando las Tres Matrices Jurídicas

Law Theory can articulate Reale tridimensional conception, which is predominant in Brazil, revised by a semiotic analysis of the three models of Ferraz Jr. and Robert Alexy, in a Law Theory characterized by three matrices, with a predominance of systemic communication. The difference lies in the emp...

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Autor Principal: Severo Rocha, Leonel
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Revista de Derecho Administrativo 2016
Acceso en línea: http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/derechoadministrativo/article/view/16310
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Sumario: Law Theory can articulate Reale tridimensional conception, which is predominant in Brazil, revised by a semiotic analysis of the three models of Ferraz Jr. and Robert Alexy, in a Law Theory characterized by three matrices, with a predominance of systemic communication. The difference lies in the emphasis on organization instead of the atomized subject.