Uses and limitations of anti-corruption coordination mechanisms. The case of the Anticorruption and Ethics Office of Sunat

In mid-2000, a complex network of corruption that captured various governmental entities during the last decade came to light. This prompted the subsequent emergence of a number of measures linked to the fight against corruption. During that period, the Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Admi...

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Autor Principal: Chiroque Ruiz, Christian
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno 2018
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Sumario: In mid-2000, a complex network of corruption that captured various governmental entities during the last decade came to light. This prompted the subsequent emergence of a number of measures linked to the fight against corruption. During that period, the Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria (Sunat) was one of the institutions immersed in cases of grand corruption, and at the present it is an entity with high vulnerability to the incidence of cases of petty corruption. For this reason, since 2012, the Oficina de Fortalecimiento Ético y Lucha contra la Corrupción (Oferlccor) has been set into operation. This institution has the objective to develop actions for prevention and control of corruption within various administrative processes of the entity. This article aims to identify the coordination mechanism used during the implementation of anticorruption policies in Sunat during the period 2012-2015. In addition, it seeks to describe what the main limitations that occurred during that process were. According to the research results, the main constraints were two: (i) the political influence of senior management during research processes, (ii) the overlapping of different policy devices, (iii) gaps in the operation of the Órgano de Control Institucional (OCI), (iv) inefficient risk identification systems, (v) unequal technical capacities between the areas involved in the policy, as well as (vi) limited logistical and budgetary resources.