Lectura de la biblia como estrategia en la práctica de valores respeto y solidaridad de los estudiantes del 2° grado de educación secundaria de menores en la Institución Educativa “César Vallejo” de Huashao-Yungay, 2016

The present investigation work titles "the reading of the Bible like strategy in the values (I respect and solidarity) in the students of the second grade of secondary education in the IE Cesar vallejo of Huashao - Yungay 2016" he/she had as starting point the necessity to know the impl...

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Autor Principal: Acuña Huamán, Iván Javier
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote 2018
Acceso en línea: http://repositorio.uladech.edu.pe/handle/123456789/2266
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Sumario: The present investigation work titles "the reading of the Bible like strategy in the values (I respect and solidarity) in the students of the second grade of secondary education in the IE Cesar vallejo of Huashao - Yungay 2016" he/she had as starting point the necessity to know the implicancias of the formation that the so much youths receive in the school environment as in the family environment regarding its formation in fundamental values as the respect and the solidarity. The design corresponded to the experimental pre with pre and post test, the sample was conformed by 17 students, the technique of the observation was applied and I eat instruments the scale valorativa; for the prosecution of the information the descriptive statistic was used. You concludes that, the reading of the Bible like strategy influences significantly in the practice of values (Solidarity and Respect) in the students of the 2o grade of Secondary Education of smaller in the educational institution "Cesar Vallejo" of Huashao - Yungay, in the year of the 2016. With you he/she can see that in the pre it proves 88% of students they are in the level IN BEGINNING, while 12% of students is located in the level IN PROCESS. However in the one Post test, 76% is located in the level FORESEEN ACHIEVEMENT and 24% in the level OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT.