The management of El Fogón de los Arrieros and its implication in the Patrimonialisation processes Of the cultural landscape of Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

The following article analyzes, from a Cultural Heritage perspective, the relationship between cultural affairs of a private institution, El Fogón de los Arrieros, and the cultural landscape configuration of Resistencia city, Chaco, Argentina). The starting point is the aesthetic experience promoted...

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Autor Principal: Sudar Klappenbach, Luciana; Profesora titular en la Licenciatura en Gestión y Desarrollo Cultural, Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura (FADyCC - UNNE).
Otros Autores: Reyero, Alejandra; Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas (IIGHI - CONICET/UNNE)
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano 2017
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Sumario: The following article analyzes, from a Cultural Heritage perspective, the relationship between cultural affairs of a private institution, El Fogón de los Arrieros, and the cultural landscape configuration of Resistencia city, Chaco, Argentina). The starting point is the aesthetic experience promoted by this cultural space in 1960. The aim of the study is to inquire into how certain cultural practices developed and promoted by this institution, have had an effect on the processes of value’s assessment of cultural heritage and the conformation of social imaginaries. It considers as tipping point two programs “La ciudad jardín” and “Plan de embellecimiento”; specifically, the murals “Génesis del Chaco” of Raúl Monsegur. The cultural interest these murals have generated in the past, as well as the value assignment that activates nowadays through its investigation and diffusion, give account for different dynamic social participations when local public art is recognized as cultural heritage. Therefore this paper examines documentation of the Private Archive of the Institution (press releases, personal correspondence between artists and cultural affairs directors linked to Fogón de los Arrieros¸ writings published in official bulletins, etc.) and local academic previous studies about this Institution and some of its prominent figures.