Diseño definitivo de la vía de borde del camino de los Incas; ubicada en la provincia de Pichincha, cantón Quito, parroquias Quitumbe y Turubamba

The present work of the career of Civil Engineering has like topic" Definitive Design of the Road of Border to the one on the way to the Inca." This study understands a design vial in which have been considered two important aspects as they are in the first place it to improve the access v...

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Autor Principal: Aucanshala Pilatuña, Cristian Benjamín
Otros Autores: Carvajal Sanatana, Bolívar Israel, Valverde Pérez, Marco Antonio
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/11365
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Sumario: The present work of the career of Civil Engineering has like topic" Definitive Design of the Road of Border to the one on the way to the Inca." This study understands a design vial in which have been considered two important aspects as they are in the first place it to improve the access vial of the residents of the sectors San Martin, Músculos and Rieles, The Troje and Cebauco besides that you collaborates with the Institute of Cultural Patrimony (INPC) in what already concerns to define the limit among the one on the way to the Inca and the area urbanized, since a project of recovery of this road exists. With regard to the design it is about a road of 3,992 Km divided in two tracts, the first from San Martin until Troje with a longitude of 2,304 km and the second from entrance to City Garden until Cebauco with a longitude of 1,687 km. For which he/she shows up two types of alternatives one in flexible pavement and another in paved. One can say that the carried out work is sustained with well-known and normative effective methodologies used in Civil Engineering.