Cambios identitarios de los jóvenes indígenas de Cotopaxi :Estudio de caso en las comunidades Alampala 5 de Junio y Malaqui

This research aims to analyze the identity changes of indigenous youth in Alpamala June 5 and Malqui communities, in the province of Cotopaxi, through an ethnographic approach, which allowed documenting the practices of the actors in their social and cultural context. This investigation evidences t...

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Autor Principal: Masabanda Allauca, Sandra Maribel
Otros Autores: Patango Pilatasig, María Carmen
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: This research aims to analyze the identity changes of indigenous youth in Alpamala June 5 and Malqui communities, in the province of Cotopaxi, through an ethnographic approach, which allowed documenting the practices of the actors in their social and cultural context. This investigation evidences the large increase of migration, the new educational system implemented in rural areas, which have encouraged young people to leave their communities to educate themselves, and the arrival of evangelical religion that established rules do not allow practicing indigenous knowledge. Migration, education and religion are factors involved in the lifestyles of indigenous youth. Also, this investigation evidencestheidentification as mestizos in indigenous youth, who abandoned their language (Kichwa) and they are not practicing their costumes. But it is important to note that young people are assuming responsibilities in their community (for example they go to themingas).