Cambios Identitarios de los jóvenes indígenas en la provincia de Cotopaxi :Estudio de caso en las comunidades Salamalag Atápulo y Casa Quemada

This current investigation analyses the changes of identity in young indigenous, in Salamalag Atápulo y Casa Quemada communities, in Cotopaxi. With the help and collaboration of young people, neighbors and leaders, the identity of young people, was analyzed, using interviews, conversations and infor...

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Autor Principal: Caisaguano Toaquiza, Luz María
Otros Autores: Bonilla Cocha, Segundo Eloy
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: This current investigation analyses the changes of identity in young indigenous, in Salamalag Atápulo y Casa Quemada communities, in Cotopaxi. With the help and collaboration of young people, neighbors and leaders, the identity of young people, was analyzed, using interviews, conversations and informal talks. There are two types of young people within the indigenous communities: young people who lived in the communities and young people residing in the cities nearby. Young people who live in the community do not have a lot of changes in their daily live, they still respect and value the customs, traditions, education, clothes and the ways of act and participate in the meetings and “mingas”. Instead, young people who lived in major cities are very different, they return to the communities only in holidays, these young people present a lot of changes in their ways of dressing, the way to talk and mainly, they do not participate in the community organization. The mean causes that are affecting indigenous young people in the communities are as follows: communication media and education. The communication media that are affecting are radio, television and mobile phones, in two fundamental aspects: changes of clothing and appropriation of spanish language. The educational institutions forced the students to attend with uniforms, besides there is discrimination to young indigenous people, for this reason they have to “adapt” to the customs of the “mestizos”.