Determinación de la interrelación de MUN (Milk Urea Nitrogen) y la composición físico-química de la leche de origen bovino en la provincia de Pichincha-Ecuador 2012

The urea is the final product of methabolism nof proteins when the urea bis produced this is deliveried into the cell tissue of the cow and the it apears in cow`s urine, spittle and milk. The nitrogen of urea is considerated as a tool for making a good diet over milker cows. The suggestion go on t...

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Autor Principal: Álvarez Narváez, Christian Fernando
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: The urea is the final product of methabolism nof proteins when the urea bis produced this is deliveried into the cell tissue of the cow and the it apears in cow`s urine, spittle and milk. The nitrogen of urea is considerated as a tool for making a good diet over milker cows. The suggestion go on the way for reducing the environment and reproductions problems. There are many factors, like methabolies and minerals that they can affect the productions of milker cows it is known that the trace elements and the vitamins have certain influence over the productions and consume of energy. The intake of proteins you have to take in count in order for taking a good bovine production. The present search is made in Cayambe, Mejia and Quito cities the goal of this is the interrelation of MUN( Milk urea Nitrogen) with bovine milk physics-chemistry composition in order for stablish the levels of methabolics of environment conditions. The results show that the dairy`s proteins is the unie that could take a relation with MUN the milk was with major percentage of proteins had less MUN and less proteins had major MUN.