Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socioeducativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la Infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y Madres de familia del cecib Sumak Wawa, cantón Cayambe

The Project from intervention socio-educative to prevention of the violence against infancy is lead to children, parents and teachers of the Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe (CECIB) Sumak Wawa of the canton Cayambe with objective of sensitize and prevent the violence generated in...

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Autor Principal: Espinosa Pullas, Andrea Verónica
Otros Autores: Farinango Colcha, Blanca Cecilia
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: The Project from intervention socio-educative to prevention of the violence against infancy is lead to children, parents and teachers of the Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe (CECIB) Sumak Wawa of the canton Cayambe with objective of sensitize and prevent the violence generated in the family and institutional context due to social, cultural and economic factors. This work was developed based in the experiencial method through of workrooms imparted to parents children like result, gathered relevant information will a central topic uses, forms, and language of violence. The experience begins with an approach to the perceptions of violence like this kinds, forms and uses more frequents such as diagnostic work. Later begins the sensitization through of the reflexion to parents, children and teachers than awareness about expressions, uses of the violence to decrease the violence and improve relationships inters family and school. This project surges through joint work between the council of the Childhood and, adolescence Cayambe´ and Salesian Polytechnic University in alliance with the District of Education Cayambe-Pedro Moncayo.