La efectividad de la terapia psicológica complementada con artes plásticas para disminuir los niveles de ansiedad en niños de 7 a 11 años de la Unidad Educativa Pensionado Mixto Rumiñahui de la ciudad de Quito durante el período escolar 2014-2015

Anxiety responses play a role in the behavior and development of children, as they do in the personal development of any person. These responses cause children to develop defense mechanisms when faced with environmental situations that can not be addressed; they have a role of self-conservation. Res...

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Autor Principal: Centeno Berrazueta, Vanessa Paola
Otros Autores: Cruz Valencia, María Estefanía
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
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Sumario: Anxiety responses play a role in the behavior and development of children, as they do in the personal development of any person. These responses cause children to develop defense mechanisms when faced with environmental situations that can not be addressed; they have a role of self-conservation. Responses to any types of anxiety could be healthy, but too much anxiety would cause discomfort. Although very little research has been done on this subject, it is a very important issue given the growing amount of children with these disorders and the number of constraints created in the daily life of the child. The authors present this study in order to use Cognitive Behavioral guidelines and Fine Arts as therapeutic tools to address these anxiety-provoking situations and help with symptom management. With the joint applications of both proposals, we hope to see a larger decrease in anxiety levels than when only using traditional therapeutic techniques, giving the children more tools in order to adapt. The joint proposal divides the study subjects into two groups: the control group where only traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is applied and the experimental group where traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is complemented with visual arts. The results from both groups were then compared to determine if applying visual arts in the treatment of anxiety in children provided any significant critical change.