Homologación de precios unitarios para la construcción de redes eléctricas aéreas de distribución en el Ecuador

In this paper grade analysis to calculate unit prices for the construction of overhead electrical distribution networks in Ecuador is provided, based on a technicaleconomic justification of runtimes qualified personnel in the development of an activity. The electricity distribution companies in the...

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Autor Principal: Vargas Herrera, Kléver Iván
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2015
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8007
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Sumario: In this paper grade analysis to calculate unit prices for the construction of overhead electrical distribution networks in Ecuador is provided, based on a technicaleconomic justification of runtimes qualified personnel in the development of an activity. The electricity distribution companies in the country are obliged to deliver to CONELEC (current ARCONEL) budgets of the projects to be implemented in the year, reason for which is the need to establish a system to improve administrative management of electricity distribution at home. Starting from the approval of property units and materials by the MEER an application model was developed, the same that facilitates technical and financial control of projects overhead electrical distribution networks, using a data base containing materials, equipment and approved structures, the same that is used in a friendly graphical user interface in which you can manage or modify the database, generate quotes in materials and workmanship of designs previously made under the parameters set by the MEER and building regulations existing in the country.