Identificación de factores resilientes, a través de la reconstrucción de historias de vida con mujeres sobrevivientes de violencia intrafamiliar que pertenecen al grupo de ayuda mutua (G.A.M.), Conformado en el Centro de Equidad y Justicia Calderón, de abril a septiembre 2016

The following work contains the report of systematization of the experience of intervention of three women who are survivor of domestic violence, through the reconstruction of their life histories and subsequent identification of resilient factors. The qualitative method of interpretation of l...

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Autor Principal: Orellana Velasco, María José
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2017
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Sumario: The following work contains the report of systematization of the experience of intervention of three women who are survivor of domestic violence, through the reconstruction of their life histories and subsequent identification of resilient factors. The qualitative method of interpretation of life histories is used within the systematization, starting from the theory of Wagnild and Young alongside with the interpretation of the scale of resilience of the same authors. It is concluded that one of the participants (Ms. 003) has resilient factors such as the adaptation to life-related changes and the obtention of autonomy, which were determinant on the overcoming of violent behaviors and are evident in the restructure of the family and relationship bonds. The remaining two participants show features that allow the strengthening of resilient factors among which are the personal competence and adaptation of self and life established by Wagnild and Young (1993) which will help to overcome the cycle of violence. The contribution of the intervention to the future is to allow the opening of spaces in the Justice and Equity Centers that allow other women to deal with overcoming their experiences of violence and to get something positive out of adversity in the future