Elaboración y estandarización de microencapsulados de aceites esenciales de cúrcuma (Curcuma longa) y jengibre (Zingiber officinale) como aditivos nutricionales para piscicultura

This research is based on the analysis for the development of microencapsulated with two essentials oils Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale for possible application on fish farming as nutritional additives, though the use of matodextrin and arabic gum as an encapsulating material and the mi...

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Autor Principal: Negrete Ocampo, Fausto Andrés
Otros Autores: Secaira Larco, Laura María
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/12562
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Sumario: This research is based on the analysis for the development of microencapsulated with two essentials oils Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale for possible application on fish farming as nutritional additives, though the use of matodextrin and arabic gum as an encapsulating material and the microencapsulation technique spray drying. For the elaboration of the microencapsulated, we used as raw materials: maltodextrin, arabic gum, essential oils (curcuma and ginger) and water. The analytic techniques that we used to verify the encapsulation capacity and good quality of the final product are: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Humidity, Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The results demonstrate the excellent synergism between the materials used as encapsulates (maltodextrin and arabic gum), a low percentage of humidity of the microcapsules in both cases which means that they have a good stability, the spherical shape without pores or cracks in their surface. Microencapsulation efficiency has been tested with data derived from the GC-MS and FTIR analysis