Spatial analysis of childhood obesity and overweight in Peru, 2014 [Análisis espacial del sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil en el Perú, 2014]

Objectives. To estimate regional prevalence and identify the spatial patterns of the degree of overweight and obesity by districts in under five years children in Peru during 2014. Materials and methods. Analysis of the information reported by the Information System Nutritional Status (SIEN) of the...

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Autor Principal: Hernández-Vásquez, A.
Otros Autores: Bendezú-Quispe, G., Díaz-Seijas, D., Santero, M., Minckas, N., Azañedo, D., Antiporta, D.A.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote 2019
Acceso en línea: Hernandez-Vasquez A, Bendezu-Quispe G, Diaz-Seijas D, Santero M, Minckas N, Azanedo D, et al. [Spatial analysis of childhood obesity and overweight in Peru, 2014]. Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica. 2016;33(3):489-97.
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