Percepción del cliente interno y externo de los elementos de la cultura de servicio en el centro de entretenimiento Happy City Santa Fe Medellín

Culture of service and customer satisfaction are not recent issues of interest to the organizational level, however, today the two phenomena are of vital importance in the development of strategic plans in most organizations whose core mission vision and strengthening their processes customer...

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Autor Principal: Betancourt Zúñiga, Víctor Julián
Otros Autores: Jaramillo Salazar, Gloria Cecilia, Montoya Saldarriaga, Juan Camilo
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Psicología 2017
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Sumario: Culture of service and customer satisfaction are not recent issues of interest to the organizational level, however, today the two phenomena are of vital importance in the development of strategic plans in most organizations whose core mission vision and strengthening their processes customer or end user. Given this, it is pertinent to establish that it is even more important as organizations dedicated to entertainment, for example, require from their policies and together with its members potentiate everything that relates to culture of service and customer satisfaction as high complexity of the demand by the user, this, since today is not about competing only in terms of costs, facilities, types of attractions and entertainment spaces, but additionally adds an undeniable and necessary plus as is the user satisfaction This has to do precisely with the kind of attention and interaction with people of all facilities and customer services made by the Organization, more concise and forceful way, it is possible to generate and memorable and unique experiences on each client. In this line, you must understand that customer service is not a process or a product that is generated in an organizational activity, but becomes important since it is not an added value but a very need of supply users. Therefore, if not optimal and competitive market can become a determining factor of desertion and abandonment of customers of all kinds of services, including, in this new conception of service that customers are not only customers but they are seen as people looking to fill needs and expectations from the individual, family, social and even cultural life. This research explores mainly cultural factors affecting service satisfaction customer service, this brand based Happy City and in your entertainment center of Santa Fe commercial center of the city of Medellin, Colombia. This is a great opportunity to correspond to the multiple demands from the core of your business (entertainment), especially as from talent management and high addresses concepts such as quality of life and social responsibility that seek to strengthen the welfare work of their employees from entertainment offerings, among others. Hence, this study has as main purpose the understanding of what those determinants of user satisfaction factors, taking into account the understanding of how they are articulated with its culture of customer service. The research was based on identifying the perception of internal and external to the service culture of the brand Happy City, customers for which the purpose of the investigation allowed articulate qualitative research method from the perspective of phenomenology and hermeneutics, to try to understand this phenomenon in its contemporaneity. Likewise, it was important to specify the variables of perception internal customer and external customer as positive correlational variables, since the objectives were to understand and explain how both positions understand the culture of service brand Happy City and how they relate to yes it do. Where from the results, both perceptions coincide in some elements both in speech and definition, but generally both perceptions are based on principles and expectations of service, where for social actor as internal customer is determined in general terms from a position of hospitality, service and friendliness based on principles of security, making it a less significant level diligence understood by the brand and the opportunity to develop a commercial attitude. While for social actors in a position to external customers, it was identified that their perception of the elements of the service culture Happy City brand is perceived from a model hospital, friendly and kind attention; where safety is a basic parameter attention given by the company which does not go beyond the general indicators of safety and security. And likewise, the parameters understood by the service culture concerning the taking of service and product disclosure and have important points to improve services. Grupo de Investigación:Salud Comportamental y Organizacional. -- Línea de Investigación: Salud y Trabajo. -- Área: psicología organizacional. -- Tema: percepción cliente interno y externo de la cultura Happy City.