Factores psicosociales que inciden en la no graduación de los/as estudiantes egresadas/os de la carrera de Psicología, mención en Psicología Educativa de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Quito, en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2005 a 2008.

This research development in the context of a contribution to the resignation educational career. In this sense, the theme, the objectives are developed in this paper. Firstly addresses the methodology, which includes a description of the instruments used, the type of research, data collection plan,...

Descripción completa

Autor Principal: Pastillo Reino, Yadira Paola
Otros Autores: Tallana Coyago, Bertha Anabel
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2013
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/3451
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Sumario: This research development in the context of a contribution to the resignation educational career. In this sense, the theme, the objectives are developed in this paper. Firstly addresses the methodology, which includes a description of the instruments used, the type of research, data collection plan, the plan for data analysis and other aspects involving the same.