Aplicación del programa de enseñanza de habilidades de interacción social con niños y niñas de 5 a 6 años del Jardín Fiscal María Gullermina García Ortíz

This psychological intervention was performed with Jardín Fiscal María Guillermina Garcia Ortiz’s students, between 5 to 6 years old, this kindergarten school is located in northwest of Quito’s city, in Cochapamba neighborhood. This intervention was implemented in order to apply a teaching pro...

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Autor Principal: Arboleda Cabrera, Katya Alexandra
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/12523
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Sumario: This psychological intervention was performed with Jardín Fiscal María Guillermina Garcia Ortiz’s students, between 5 to 6 years old, this kindergarten school is located in northwest of Quito’s city, in Cochapamba neighborhood. This intervention was implemented in order to apply a teaching program of social interaction skills, to reduce maladaptive behaviors that have children, to express difficulties to interact with their peers and adults, causing behavioral problems. The intervention have two phases: firstly, the pre-intervention, in which two observers applied the Questionnaire Social Interaction Skills (Monjas, 2002), selecting the target population and the ability to be teaching, which is the social interaction ability to interact with adults; secondly post-intervention phase, in which the same observer reapplied the Questionnaire and subsequently it is elaborated a comparative statistic analysis between pre-intervention phase versus post questionnaire. During the intervention process cognitive-behavioral techniques were used the token economy program, Autogenic training of Schultz, and Social Skills training of Monjas. Finally, there is a report of systematization of lived experience, in order to publicize the lessons learned after application while find mistakes, obstacles and successes that were obtained throughout the intervention process, which that will benefit future researchers to develop the planning and execution of subsequent therapeutic practices.