Estudio fotoquímico y evaluación de actividad antibacteriana sobre Staphyloccocus aureus ATCC: 25923, Streptoccocus mutans ATCC: 25175, Streptoccocus pneumoniae ATCC: 49619, Streptoccocus pyogenes ATCC: 19615de extractos apolares (Cloroformo –Hexano) de Croton elegans Kunth (Mosquera)

Medicinal plants are used more and more in our country for its therapeutic properties, most of these not been evaluated scientifically, has been its use ethnobotanical which has defined the therapeutic potential of each species. Croton elegans Kunth (mosquera) is one of the species, on which t...

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Autor Principal: Lozada Fiallos, María Antonia
Formato: bachelorThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: 2017
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