Las tertulias pedagógicas y los grupos interactivos como estrategias para promover prácticas de lectura dialógica e inclusiva con docentes de las instituciones educativas Carlos Lleras Restrepo y Centro Social de Yopal, Casanare

This research project is part of the Macroproject: "Pedagogical Strategies for a Dialogic and Inclusive Education", corresponds to the Education, Language and Communication line of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of La Salle and is developed between 2015 and 2016. It pr...

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Autor Principal: Caicedo, Deisy
Otros Autores: Simbaqueba Gutiérrez, José Armando, Vaca Guatavita, Marta Ligia
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Idioma: spa
Publicado: Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la educación. Maestría en Docencia (Extensión Yopal). 2017
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Sumario: This research project is part of the Macroproject: "Pedagogical Strategies for a Dialogic and Inclusive Education", corresponds to the Education, Language and Communication line of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of La Salle and is developed between 2015 and 2016. It proposes a path of pedagogical action to favor the incorporation of the dialogue in the practices of daily reading of teachers of the educational institutions Carlos Lleras Restrepo and Social Center of Yopal. The techniques used in the diagnostic phase were: participant observation, documentary analysis and survey applied to 60 teachers; in the intervention and institutionalization phase, participant observation, peer discussion and 32 teachers from the three institutions were used. The qualitative analysis of the data of Taylor and Bogdan (1987) was used to analyze the obtained information. The results allowed to characterize the daily reading practices and to incorporate the dialogic reading with the co - investigating teachers through the design and execution of a route of action based on dialogic strategies, such as: Pedagogical Talk and Interactive Groups from the perspective of dialogic education. These aim to recognize that the Pedagogical Conference constitutes a reflexive strategy to transform the reading practices of teachers, and the Interactive Groups consolidate the transition from a vertical education to an inclusive education where the learning is constructed from the reflective dialogue. The main conceptual references are: Dialogue (Freire, 1970, Bajtín, 1979, Habermas, 1999, Flecha, 2008), reading practices, (Chartier, 1993, 2004, Dubois, 2005, Rosenblatt, 2001, 1985; Strategies (Bixio, 2000, Monereo, 1994, Solé, 2009), dialogic strategies (Flecha, 1997, Elboj, Puigdellívol, Soler and Valls, 2006, Vásquez, 2013). Keywords: Dialogical education, reading practices, dialogic strategies, Pedagogical Tertulia and Interactive Groups.